3850 W 71st St South
Haysville, KS 67060
(316) 522-1091



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Sunday, April 14 2019

WELCOME TO RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH!  Sunday school starts the morning at 9:00 am with worship at 10:00 am.  If you have been visiting and worshipping with us and are interested in becoming a part of our faith community, please speak with pastor. Coffee fellowship follows the service so please come and join us.

WE CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!  What’s important to you is important to us.  Requests are handled with the utmost sincerity and respect.  A Sunday morning prayer sheet is on the sign up counter. The Prayer and Care committee (prayerandcare@rxluth.com) meets each Wednesday morning for prayer at 9:00 AM.  Bert can be reached at 522-6767 or at bert.kirkpatrick2013@gmail.com.  Or call the church office at 522-1091:  Let us pray with/for you.

PALM SUNDAY BRUNCH April 14th – Altar Guild is hosting a wonderful brunch following the service today.  Suggested donations $5 per person or $20 per family.  Come with an appetite!

COMMUNITY PALM SUNDAY SERVICE APRIL 14th at 6pm at Haysville Christian Church.

EASTER VIGIL & HOLY WEEK – Sign-up sheets to help with the services in the narthex on a table.  Feel free to take a copy to practice.

TOMAH SHINGA REGISTRATION OPEN!  Camp Tomah Shinga is excited to see returning campers and welcomes new campers at each session. Programs are for youth of all ages. Register at http://tomahshinga.com/summercamp.

WELCA CLUSTER MEETING – APRIL 27th at Christ Lutheran Church, Wichita, KS

SANDWICH SATURDAY – APRIL 27th at 9:30 am.  Come help make sandwiches for the homeless.

YMT GIRLS LOCK IN APRIL 27th - Girl’s Lock-In for middle and high school girls. It will begin Sat. April 27th at 5:00 p.m. and end with going to Sunday Worship on the 28th. Activities planned include a Bible Study and cookie baking for Sunday fellowship

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - APRIL 28th Following the service.  End of Year reports will be presented and received.


LOOKING AHEAD- MARK YOUR CALENDARS MAY 5th The committee is working on a celebration for our 60th Anniversary Celebration.  Bishop Roger Gustafson will be preaching and a luncheon will follow the service.  This is an RSVP event-no charge but a free-will offering will be accepted.  Sign-up sheet is on the shelf.  We will all wear our new RLC tshirts.  Come be a part of our history!

Wonderful Palm Sunday Brunch!  Have an appetite after service.


APRIL 14th   10:00 AM PALM SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE procession of palms and the reading together of the Passion according to St. Luke.

PALM SUNDAY BRUNCH following service hosted by Altar Group.  Cost is $5 a person for a fabulous array of food.

APRIL 14th   HAYSVILLE COMMUNITY PALM SUNDAY SERVICE join the Haysville Ministerial Association for a service of praise at 6:00 PM on Sunday evening  at the Haysville Christian Church.

APRIL 18th   MAUNDY THURSDAY worship begins at 7:00 PM.  On this “the night in which our Lord was betrayed” we begin the celebration of “Triduum” (the Three Days) with the Rite of Foot Washing and the Last Supper.

APRIL 19th   GOOD FRIDAY worship begins at 7:00 PM with a Tenebrae Service.  We celebrate God’s victory in the cross as revealed through the Passion story.

 7:00 AM    Easter Vigil Service with Holy Communion begins our morning.
 8:00 AM    Coffee & Donuts in the fellowship Hall.
 9:00 AM    Youth Activities for Easter.
10:00 AM    Easter Celebration Service with Holy Communion.
11:00 AM    Fellowship hosted by Rebecca McKusker, Pam Porsch, Ron & Rae Evans