3850 W 71st St South
Haysville, KS 67060
(316) 522-1091



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Sunday, September 20 2020

WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!  REMINDER: Service 10AM  Members are welcome to decide for themselves if it is time for them to attend service in person.  We will continue to provide a Facebook live service on Sunday mornings for those who are at home. After service is over, it will be available for viewing on YouTube. Search Resurrection Lutheran Church, Haysville, KS
BULLETIN LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d3XqNRFk9lpC6EuumjN6m1gSC-EHoJmU/view?usp=sharing

https://mcusercontent.com/e23611aef3b1232c98a6d90fe/images/39ace53f-a2ab-4e89-87ba-eb3337858044.jpgJOIN PASTOR’s BOOK CLUB ON FACEBOOK: Pastor started a book club!  Her first session started Sept 15th but it isn’t too late to catch up.  Great discussion and getting together virtually to answer the questions strike up a unique time together to reflect on spirituality.  If you are interested in joining the group let Pastor Elizabeth know.

The Atcheson Family –September
Jeanette Westerhaus and the Marshall Family – October
The Deutscher Family – November

CROP Hunger Walk - So far no donations - click on link for helping out our walkers!  Any amount helps!! $50 gets you a t-shirt!!


PRAYER & CARE GROUP is gathering in person at 9AM on Wednesday mornings!


WE CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!  What’s important to you is important to us.  Requests are handled with the utmost sincerity and respect.  A Sunday morning prayer sheet is on the sign up counter. The Prayer and Care committee (prayerandcare@rxluth.com) meets each Wednesday morning for prayer at 9:00 AM.  Bert can be reached at 522-6767 or at bertkirkpatrick1937@gmail.com.  Or call the church office at 522-1091:  Let us pray with/for you.

REFLECTIONS NEWSLETTER was put up on the website and posted on FB.  It’s a great issue – take a look!

BUDGET REQUESTS – Church teams and committees need to turn in their budget requests to the office by the end of the month please.

CHRIST IN OUR HOME daily devotionals, based on the Sunday lectionary readings, are available in the narthex on the table by the office.  Spend some time with the Lord each day, it’s always worth the time.  Donations in support of this resource are always welcome.

LOOKING FOR HELP – We are looking at getting new video equipment to continue our online presence?  If you would like to help please see a council member.

GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS  This year we asked to send us a photo of your family doing a kind gesture for others and we put together a compilation representing RLC. More on our Facebook page!  You can still send in photos til the end of the month.

Our church office remains open during regular hours Monday - Friday 9am-1pm.  Any questions or pastoral needs you might have, please contact Pr. Elizabeth via email, text message or a phone call to her cell phone.  Please stay tuned on our Facebook page and check your email for updates for opportunities to gather virtually.

PLEASE CONTINUE GIVING. We still need your financial support more than ever to carry on Christ’s mission, as we maintain faith in these difficult times.

NEW WAY TO GIVE!! INTRODUCING  “GIVE PLUS”!!  With GivePlus, you can quickly and easily give to your church using your smartphone.  Enjoy the convenience of making donations from your checking or savings as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.  Either way, GivePlus offers a safe, secure way to make one-time or recurring contributions to RLC.  GivePlus is FREE and available to download at the App Store.