3850 W 71st St South
Haysville, KS 67060
(316) 522-1091



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Sunday, December 3 2023

YOUTUBE LINK https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg9h8dhwapkPoisZPABRFVA


Sun (12/03)

    9:00 AM

Sunday School & Adult Formation


  10:00 AM

Worship Service with Holy Communion


  11:00 AM

Coffee Fellowship in Fellowship Hall


  11:30 AM

Confirmation Class with Pastor Dave

Wed (12/06)

    9:00 AM

Prayer Group


    6:00 PM

Property Mtg

Sat (12/09)

5:30 & 6:15

Christmas Program soup supper@5:30pm

Click on:  SERVER LIST DEC 2023 THRU DEC 2024 LINK



TIME OF THANKS AT RESURRECTION LUTHERAN.  SUNDAY WORSHIP WITH HOLY COMMUNION AT 10:00AM! We welcome all who worship with us!  Our Sunday mornings start with Sunday School at 9:00AM.  At the same time, we offer an Adult Forum.  Coffee fellowship & refreshments follow our 10:00 Sunday Morning service at 11:00AM.  Watch the bulletin and narthex communications board for information, meetings and events.

CONFIRMATION CLASS 11:30AM with Pastor Dave Fulton.

THIS SATURDAY - DEC 2 – YMT BIRTHDAY BINGO from 2-4pm.  - Come join us for an afternoon of fun – Celebrating your Birthday (with cake, of course) and playing BINGO - Invite your friends and neighbors to this FUN event!!  There will be 10 bingo games with no less than 5 winners per game – which means over 50 prizes for you to win!  All this fun for only $5 per pack of cards.  We will also have Popcorn, Nachos and Sodas available, to keep your strength up!!  Donations accepted for food items.  Mark your calendars for this fun afternoon!!  See Pam for more information.


CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE- DUE TODAY DEC 3rd.Return the gift unwrapped in a bag with the tag attached.

DEC 3rd – ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING AFTER SERVICE. The purpose of the meeting is to approve the 2024 budget and elect council members.  Packets available on fellowship shelf and link online.

DEC 3rd – NEED YOUR HELP WITH CHURCH CHRISTMAS DÉCOR  After the annual mtg Please come help us decorate the Christmas trees & make the church look lovely for Christmas.

RLC REFLECTIONS NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE!  Hard copies are on the Fellowship Shelf and also here on a LINK.  REFLECTIONS NOV 2023 NEWSLETTER

NATIVITY SET DISPLAY - IN THE NARTHEX DEC 10thA table will be set up in the narthex for those who would like to display a nativity set.  Please feel welcome to set up your display throughout the week during office hours.  It’s become a nice tradition to see nativity sets shared for everyone’s enjoyment.

CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES – Please pick up your labeled envelopes in the Narthex.  If you contribute electronically, you won’t have any to pick up.

PLEDGE CARDS ARE DUE!  Please turn in your time & talent forms!

CHOIR PRACTICE EVERY SUNDAY AFTER SERVICE Choir will meet to practice.  Join us if you are interested in being a part of our wonderful singers.

DEC 17th ALTAR GUILD BAKE SALE Delicious homemade goodies to buy as gifts or great snacks!

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE – DEC 24th at 7pm. Mark your calendars!
Offering will go to St. Paul Lutheran Church to help replace windows broken by vandals.

DILLONS PLUS CARD- Households who shop at Dillons can support RLC just by going to www.dillons.com/communityrewards and registering their plus card in community rewards.  Just choose Resurrection Lutheran Church.

WE CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!  What’s important to you is important to us.  Requests are handled with the utmost sincerity and respect.  A Sunday morning prayer sheet is on the sign up counter. The Prayer and Care committee (prayerandcare@rxluth.com) meets each Wednesday morning for prayer at 9:00 AM.  Bert can be reached at 522-6767 or at bert.kirkpatrick1937@gmail@gmail.com.  Or call the church office at 522-1091:  Let us pray with/for you.