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+ ANNOUNCEMENTS +Sunday, September 29 2024YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/@resurrectionlutheranchurch7537/streams BULLETIN LINK: BULLETIN SEPT 29, 2024
Click on: SERVER LIST AUG 2024 THRU JUNE 2025 LINK PLEASE CHECK TO SEE WHEN YOU ARE SHARING YOUR TIME & TALENTS! ******************************************************************************************* WELCOME TO RESURRECTION LUTHERAN! SUNDAY WORSHIP WITH HOLY
AT 5:30PM WITH POTLUCK DINNER DEADLINE TODAY! MEMORIAL BRICK ORDER FORMS AVAILABLE ON FELLOWSHIP HALL SHELF Honoring a loved one who has passed. If you would like to order a memorial brick, please return order form and payment of $25 to a Property Committee Member or church office by SEPT 29th. Checks can be made out to Resurrection Lutheran Church and place Brick Memorial in the Memo line. FUN NIGHT FOR YOUTH –
6PM TUESDAY OCT 1st NEXT SUNDAY IS OCT 6th CROPWALK CHECK IN IS 1:00PM WALK STARTS 2:00PM DEADLINE FOR PEANUT BUTTER COLLECTION! https://events.crophungerwalk.org/cropwalks/team/resurrection-lutheran-church
HAYSVILLE FALLFEST OCT 19TH – CONSIDER SIGNING UP TO HELP MAN OUR BOOTH SO WE CAN BE REPRESENTED AT OUR CITY’S BIG EVENT. This is a big event in Haysville. Please consider working a short shift at our booth so we can invite folks to visit RLC. This is a good way to be in the community and recruit new members.
OCT 13th PASTOR APPRECIATION SUNDAY. We are thankful for Pastor Dave Fulton and all that he offers RLC. We are blessed! AREA 5 SEPTEMBER MESSENGER available here and on the Fellowship Hall shelf. WELCA is putting together a cookbook that will be for sale later this year. We are looking for recipes! Please send an electronic copy to lisaatcheson@yahoo.com or give her a paper copy.
OUR ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR! NOV 8TH & 9TH! ISSUES OR CONCERNS? COUNCIL HAS CREATED A TIME FOR YOU. The RLC Council will now have a dedicated block of time, at the beginning of the monthly meeting. If you’d like to schedule a time please reach out to President of Council: Rhonda Doll at randrdoll@gmail.com or (620)491-2271. WE CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! What’s important to you is important to us. Requests are handled with the utmost sincerity and respect. A Sunday morning prayer sheet is on the sign up counter. The Prayer and Care committee (prayerandcare@rxluth.com) meets each Wednesday morning for prayer at 9:00 AM. Bert can be reached at 522-6767 or at bert.kirkpatrick1937@gmail@gmail.com. Or call the church office at 522-1091: Let us pray with/for you. |