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+ ANNOUNCEMENTS +Sunday, October 27 2024YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/@resurrectionlutheranchurch7537/streams BULLETIN LINK: REFORMATION SUNDAY BULLETIN OCT 27, 2024
Click on: SERVER LIST AUG 2024 THRU JUNE 2025 LINK PLEASE CHECK TO SEE WHEN YOU ARE SHARING YOUR TIME & TALENTS! ******************************************************************************************* WELCOME TO RESURRECTION LUTHERAN! SUNDAY WORSHIP WITH HOLY
COMMUNION AT 10:00AM! REFORMATION SUNDAY– Wear red for Reformation today! The liturgical color of this day is red, which represents the Holy Spirit and the Martyrs of the Christian Church. CONFIRMATION OCT 27th
RECOGNIZING FOUR STUDENTS TODAY! CONFIRMATION CLASS with Pastor Dave will continue next week for those who are still attending. WELLNESS WEDNESDAY OCT 30th
AT 5:30PM WITH POTLUCK DINNER PRAYERS FOR SAFETY as families trick or treat for Halloween. Haysville's Annual Free Trick-or-Treat on Main Street event with local businesses and organizations passing out candy to children from 4-6 pm!
NOV 3rd DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS – FALL BACK AN HOUR! ALL SAINTS SUNDAY NOV 3rd In remembrance of our loved ones who have passed away, please bring a framed photo to display in the narthex. AREA 5 MESSENGER OCTOBER NEWSLETTER – available now online & on the fellowship shelf.
& 9th From 9am-4pm. ST. PAULS BREAKFAST NOV 23rd
– THERE WILL BE A SIGN UP FOR HELPERS. COUNCIL 2025 If you are interested in serving on the council, please contact pastor or a current council member. ISSUES OR CONCERNS? COUNCIL HAS CREATED A TIME FOR YOU. The RLC Council will now have a dedicated block of time, at the beginning of the monthly meeting. If you’d like to schedule a time please reach out to President of Council: Rhonda Doll at randrdoll@gmail.com or (620)491-2271. WE CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! What’s important to you is important to us. Requests are handled with the utmost sincerity and respect. A Sunday morning prayer sheet is on the sign up counter. The Prayer and Care committee (prayerandcare@rxluth.com) meets each Wednesday morning for prayer at 9:00 AM. Bert can be reached at 522-6767 or at bert.kirkpatrick1937@gmail@gmail.com. Or call the church office at 522-1091: Let us pray with/for you. |